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Philips Avent DECT baby monitor SCD535 DECT 120-channel Baby monitoring system in MANDURAH, Western Australia for sale

Philips Avent DECT baby monitor SCD535 DECT 120-channel
Philips Avent DECT baby monitor SCD535 DECT 120-channel
Philips Avent DECT baby monitor SCD535 DECT 120-channel

Philips AVENT - Sound Only - Digital Signal - One Receiver The DECT monitors give you the reassurance of feeling close to your baby, even when you are not in the same room. With the ECO mode, you can also be friendlier to the environment, whilst not losing that vital connection. DECT technology guarantees zero interference from any other transmitting product like other baby monitors, cordless phones and mobile phones. Data encryption provides a secure and private connection, so you can be sure that you are the only one that can hear your baby.